We are so excited to be launching our very first care home book.
This is a project that is very close to our hearts and we are so pleased to see it come to fruition. Learn a little more about this project below and find out how to get your own book started...
How did Remember Me start?
Remember Me is a project that I was honoured to be invited to take part in during the summer of 2022. Along with a portrait photographer, I was given exclusive access to fourteen of the care home residents from Upton Mill Care Home in Tetbury and presented with the opportunity to interview them. The objective? To capture their stories.
Ever since my Grandad died and I realised that I hadn’t asked him anything about his life and experiences, particularly during the war, it has been my passion to make sure that these stories don’t continue to go unheard. To preserve them for future generations so that we can not only keep their memories alive, but truly understand what made them tick, who they were, what their life was like and what sacrifices they made for us to live with the freedom we now have.
With the Remember Me project I was able to achieve something truly beautiful. A book written, curated, designed and crafted by me for begin a book, which now sits proudly on the shelves of all of those residents who took part along with their families, friends and wider community. For some, talking to me was the first time they’d really spoken about their life and history and, after I had re-written their words into what became their story, they felt humbled and amazed that it was about them. Many felt they didn’t have anything interesting to say, but when you read the book, you can see that nothing could be further from the truth.
Remember Me continues to be a project which is very dear to my heart and, having been featured on the BBC, it has also gained significant wider interest. To see the faces of those residents when they received their own copy of the book, to hear them talking to the others, to know how much this means and to see the tears in the eyes of all involved was a moment I will never forget.

All photos credited to John Ord @ Kinetic Studios
Listen to the BBC interview below..

The launch
Since the book’s launch, I have heard that the residents continue to talk about their experience as part of this project on a regular basis. They have even chosen to read a story each day as a community, and then talk further within the group. It has enabled many of the residents to form bonds which they would not otherwise have done and I know that for their families and loved ones, it is something they will always treasure.
Remember Me is at the heart of what I and begin a book do. We tell stories, we create and publish books but we are so much more than that. Our passion is in showing anyone that their dream of seeing their name on the cover of a book can be a reality and in giving them the outlet to preserve their legacies.

We are all unique.
We are all incredible. And we all have amazing stories to tell.
How to get involved with your own Remember Me book?
Have you been inspired by what you've read? Why not get more information on how to have your own 'Remember Me' book? You can either book a discovery call with AnnMarie and hear more about the process of getting started, or take a look through our 'Treasured Memories' packages and see if those could be the perfect package for you...