For as long as I can remember, I’d wanted to write a book, yet I didn’t believe it was possible.
Fifteen years ago, during a challenging time, I put metaphorical pen to paper as a means of therapy, a safe space, somewhere to document my thoughts – and that day I wrote 6,000 words. Those thoughts eventually became the first of five complete novels, two of which I successfully self-published in 2017 and 2018.
The journey wasn’t easy, far from it, but I was fortunate to be able to study with the Writers’ Bureau, attend several online courses, visit writing retreats and have my work featured in magazines such as Woman’s Own and Wiltshire Life. Seeing my own writing out there gave me the desire to help others like me – people who had a passion but didn’t believe they could reach their goal.

AnnMarie is an incredible mentor to help get you started with writing. Her own experience as a self published author is invaluable. She never took over and always gave me ownership of my ideas. The words I put on the page were mine and the characters remained true to how I wanted to portray them.
Emma Colgrave
Let me help you achieve your goal
of holding a finished book in your hands.
How has writing helped me?
When I was a child, I always had my head in a book. In fact, it was a running family joke whenever we were on holiday for there to be a photograph taken of me reading – for apparently, I did little else.
As I matured and began my career, followed by the birth of my two sons, it was reading to which I turned when my youngest son became poorly at only seven weeks old. He is now seventeen and is severely disabled with complex needs and significant learning disabilities. Without being able to write or read books, without being to immerse myself in worlds where reality can be suspended for a while, it would have been and would continue to be even harder for me to cope with his daily needs.
Writing has allowed me to get a part of my past back, a part of that child who read books on holiday and wanted nothing more than to live in a Mills and Boon fantasy.

This. This is my why.
I set up begin a book in November 2020 and now I get to spend every day doing what I love - supporting others on the same journey as me. Some will have nothing more than an idea; others may have a completed draft, but it doesn’t matter. The key is in empowering anyone who has ever wanted to see their name on the cover of a book and helping them to realise that dream.
Helping you to begin, write and publish your book.
Your dream. Your book. Your way.
Take a look through the books I've worked on:
Let's get you started..
Starting is the hardest part, so the options below have been developed to give you the right support to suit your needs - and your budget. Have a click-through and see what is involved in each.

AnnMarie's profile popped up on my LinkedIn 'people you may know' - and I had this spooky feeling she would be right for me. I wasn't wrong! She is a fabulous mentor, her belief in me and her 'yes you can' attitude have truly made the difference. She listens - really listens. She asks questions about my storyline that give me lightbulb moments. One day AnnMarie, we will celebrate together when this novel is published!!